There certainly was a lot going on in Chicago during the Summer of ’68. And, while our fair city had its share of upheaval during this pivotal time, there was one positive development taking place at Soldier Field on July 20. 1968.
On that day, over 1,000 intellectually challenged individuals between the ages of 8 and 18 came together for the very first Special Olympics. They came from 26 US states and Canada to compete in what was billed as “a chance to participate in all the glamour and pageantry of a genuine national Olympics.”
Whether the special Olympians were getting the red-carpet treatment from famous figures or competing in various sporting categories, the event was a “win win” for everyone and served as the springboard for the creation of a National Special Olympics, which was a long-held goal of Eunice Kennedy Shriver. Here is more background on how the Special Olympics came to be. https://www.specialolympics.org/about/history/1968-games
One local Chicagoan had a personal connection with one of the first Special Olympians. Longtime Northwest Sider, Michael Taylor, grew up with a fellow named Joe Stapleton. Stapleton’s older brother, Kevin, competed in the running events and broad jump at the age of nine. Later, he participated in swimming and bowling competitions.

Flash forward to the year 2025, and the Stapletons are joining the Taylor family and many other members of “Taylor’s Green Team” at the 25th annual Polar Plunge at North Avenue Beach on Sunday, March 2nd. This annual event raises monies towards athlete transportation, uniforms, gear and other essentials for the Chicago contingent of athletes.
Taylor’s been participating in the plunge since 1999, and his Green Team is on track to bring in over $25,000 in greenbacks in 2025. Not only that, but Taylor has also been putting the “fun” in fundraising as you will soon see.

Taylor’s involvement with special Olympics goes back even further than that. He started volunteering at various events during his time at Eastern Illinois University in the eighties. He was soon “hooked” on the whole experience and all the extraordinary athletes and their families that benefitted from the Special Olympics programs. He calls it “a life changing moment that kind of stuck with me.”
Flashing forward to 1999, and we find Taylor married to the lovely Linda and starting a family. But soon after his second child, Michael was born, Taylor heard about the Polar Plunge that went down every March. Taylor dove headfirst into plunge mode and remembers Year One like it was yesterday.

“I did it that first year by myself. My wife came down to watch and brought the kids." Because there were only about 300 people participating in the plunge, Linda was able to get close to take pictures of Taylor venturing into the icy waters wearing only a green wig and swimsuit. After Taylor had successfully completed his first plunge, he sent out thank you cards to his donors that doubled as St. Patrick’s Day cards. That was how the “Green Team” began, and they have used the moniker ever since.

Since his first foray into the icy waters, Taylor has expanded his fund-raising capabilities as the Polar Plunge’s popularity also continues to grow. Those sparsely attended events are a thing of the past with last year’s event raising over $2 million dollars with over 5,300 people participating in the plunge.
Taylor’s been no slouch on the fund-raising front with some social media stunts helping to bring additional dough in. During the Martin Luther King weekend in January, temperatures were in the single digits but Taylor and brother, Mark, would not be deterred. They went everywhere from Wrigley Field and the Art Museum to Cindy’s Rooftop and Mr. Beef clad only in green trunks and the requisite green wigs.
Now, mind you, at 6 foot 5, Taylor’s a big guy and Mark isn’t exactly dainty. So, they had their share of gawkers…including a fellow from Norway who wanted to take pictures with the pair and even asked if he needed to take his shirt off! The Taylor brothers assured the tourist that his shirt could stay on, but he’d have to pop for a donation in exchange for the photo op.
Despite the frigid temperatures, Taylor found the city and all the people he met to be warm and welcoming as he praised “the very beautiful and gracious city of Chicago.” He added a poignant postscript when he said somewhere between poses at Soldier Field and Field Museum, they found the “Eternal Flame” commemorating the 1968 Special Olympics that the late Kevin Stapleton participated in.

Now, Stapleton’s family members, along with the Taylor’s grown kids, and so many others will be participating in the plunge. All Taylor asks is that they pull their weight in fund-raising and proudly noted that more than 10 of his green teammates had raised over one thousand dollars each.
As befitting the Irish theme of the “Green Team,” Taylor is sponsored by one of the northwest side’s finest establishments…Vaughan's Pub and Grill on Northwest Highway. Since the plunge now provides bus transportation for everyone from Vaughan's to the beach and back it’s only fitting that the lively after party takes place at Vaughan's home base.

Taylor said that the bus ride “is kind of cool” because the Green Team gets dropped off at the circular part of the beach area where the Special Olympians stand to greet them. It’s this enthusiasm that will help Taylor and many of his cohort’s power through the plunge despite attending a wild wedding the night before. But, as Taylor said, “it’s for a great cause and this organization does great things.”
One of the beneficiaries of all this is Connor Fallon, whose mother was once the babysitter for the Taylor brothers. Taylor singled Conner out for his skiing prowess and this “great kid” gets to travel all over the US with his team thanks to the funds that come from the Polar Plunge.
Taylor said that when the event was cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he and his brother continued to raise funds by hosting a plunge at Mark’s place in Palatine, which is situated on a small lake. Vaughan's even sent over three kegs of green beer for the socially distanced drinkers.
One of the most prolific fundraisers would be Taylor’s octogenarian mother, Eileen, who participated in a few plunges herself. While she won’t be running into the lake on March 2nd, she has racked up lots of checks from across the country including old college chums and former neighbors. Taylor said that while his mother will only accept checks, the lion’s share of fund-raising comes from online donations.

With March often coming in like a lion, Taylor knows to be prepared for the capricious Chicago weather. Although it was a balmy 67 degrees in 2024, he’s also battled wicked winds and temperatures in the single digits. He said shoes are a must because feet can get cut up on the frozen sand. He also noted that the waters are very shallow, which makes it a bit difficult for him to get totally immersed in the great lake. Taylor said that the full-body plunge came into being after promising to do it if he raised over a thousand dollars. Now, with his prodigious fund-raising efforts, it’s become an annual ritual,
If you’d like to contribute to this worthy cause, just follow the link below, pick a plunger and donate:

Always a great read and a great cause.